Thursday 9 September 2021

Ultimate Weight Loss

Have you tried to lose weight before but still fail? I was too. But now everything has changed after I joined a healthy weight loss program which is based on research. It has changed my life forever. Dear friends, I would like to share my own 6 months’ weight loss journey. I was not really bothered by my body figure until my husband told me that I was very fat and need to reduce some weight. I knew that for the past 20 years I was no longer thin but I thought I was not fat either, just a little chubby. However, one thing worried me so much. My blood pressure had been high since 10 years ago even though my cholesterol and sugar level were normal. The reading was within borderline range but had become higher since the past 5 years with Grade 2 hypertension. I had been having occasional headache especially during menses but it had became worse and sometimes I vomited. I didn’t seek any help from my colleague and didn’t take any medication. Occasionally I also experienced nausea and felt like going to faint. I had right knee pain and bilateral leg swelling up to the shin for 2 years. I couldn’t squat due to pain. I also had trouble walking up and down the stairs. Sometimes I noticed bubbles in the urine  which was foul smelling. In addition, I had been treating my dental abscess traditionally on my own for 2 years until one day my jaw got swollen. It didn’t subside and therefore I went to see a dentist. My blood pressure was really high-170/100 and on one occasion 180/110 though I didn’t feel anything. My dentist colleague refused to extract my molar because of the high BP which persistent despite taking medication. I went to see her 3 times and the readings were all high. Finally, my Emergency colleague accompanied me to the clinic and reassured the dentist that she would take the responsibility should anything bad happen to me during the dental extraction. Finally, the tooth was successfully removed without complication. 
Throughout my life, I’ve initiated weight lost 3 times. The first was when I was 28 after I gained some weight following my second childbirth. I controlled my dietary intake and exercised an hour a day. The weight dropped from 56 to 48 (8kg loss). The second time was at the age of 34, after my 4th delivery. Again with diet and exercise I managed to reduce from 64 to 56kg (8kg). The third time was when I gained weight again in 2010 and managed to reduce from 64 to 57kg (7kg). My weight had been between 62 to 65kg but during COVID-19 pandemic with MCO my weight increased to 72kg due to excessive eating of my own cooking. 
I have positive family history of diabetes, hypertension and stroke. My mother had stroke 5 years ago. She didn’t have any medical checkup earlier and only knew she had diabetes and hypertension upon admission. That incident made me think deeply about my own health. I knew that I was like a time bomb, waiting to explode with complications should I didn’t do anything. I tried using whatever method I thought that could be successful, like taking green coffee capsules prior to heavy meal, exercise an hour a day, replaced rice with breads. However, I still took 3 in 1 coffee 2 or three cups daily with minimal plain water intake. That time my weight didn’t come down. I got frustrated and thought I won’t be able to lose weight anymore. One day I saw my ex medical officer at our punch clock area. I knew she was extremely fat before but on that day I was amazed by her figure. She looked thin already. Then I asked her what made her to change so much? Then she offered me to join a weight loss program. I was reluctant initially because I thought I had tried everything in the past and it was not working. She said in sya Allah I will lose weight, just like her. Then I thought she was probably right. My weight was not that much compared to her. I agreed. I joined the program in February 2021. The first month I lost 4.6kg! Then month after months I just followed the program. It was fun and it suited me much because I like to cook. Everybody in the program can cook like a master now. Healthy food is easy to prepare. Sometimes no cooking is needed. I was so excited with the progress. Months after months the weight kept coming down. When I was 56kg my BP became borderline already. I was so happy. 2 months later the reading became normal. Yes I did it biiznillah. Alhamdulillah. So I’m going to share with you a few pictures as motivations for you too. This is the best program ever. I’ve learned a lot. About the correct food portion, foods we need to avoid and foods that are good for our body, exercises that help in weight loss, how to target your weight loss etc. I have collected more than 100 healthy and delicious recipes. These are some of my own meal collections:


I lost 20.1kg from 69.1 to 49kg. I can wear sized S clothes already! I can do many exercises I failed in the past. 


The most exciting result is that my blood pressure has normalized since August till now and best of all I did it without taking any medications.
I’m so happy now. You can materialize your vision too. Come and join us without hesitation. The program is worth joining and it is so cheap. See you at the height of your health!

Thursday 2 November 2017

Fighting Drug Dependence

Today I had the opportunity to present a case of substance used disorder that was secretly managed by us. This is an option one could consider to try since it is inexpensive and easy. However it has to be performed by clinicians under close supervision. We knew that patients on prolonged opiod usage are at risk of withdrawal after a period of abstinence.
The patient had been on opiods for more than 2 years to alleviate her chronic headache due to a huge frontal arteriovenous malformation. In 2015, she visited our Emergency Department 411 times to get parenteral opiods.
A modified Gerson Therapy was initiated in October 2015 where she received 3 coffee enemas a day and drank fruit and vegetable juices hourly. She continued the therapy at home with once a week of coffee enema and 3-4 glasses of fruit and vegetable juices a day. She had no withdrawal symptoms and became pain free for 2 months after the intervention. Her visit dropped to 56 times in 2016 and 11 times in 2017. She could enjoy her usual activities and is able to travel many places unlike before just being at home, not able to do anything.

The table above illustrates the reduction of drugs required for pain relief from 2015 till 2017.
Although this is just an anecdotal report, this intervention has been proven for this patient. I agree the level of evidence for this is not that great but for the patient it means a lot for she is now being able to enjoy life.The parents and everyone else are happy to see her smiling again. As for us the medical practitioner, the achievement means less headache and less money  being spent for the drugs.

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