Tuesday 18 December 2012

Gene Therapy

Scientists are still working on gene therapy as one of the mode to cure chronic diseases such as cancer. Unfortunately the outcome is poor and could contribute to death. See below:

InfoMed October 2012

So, is there a better alternative? Yes!
Actually gene manifestation could be suppressed. This simply means though a particular person has some forms of abnormal genes, they won't be physically present.Examples are babies borned from thalassemic parents won't get thalassemia! Isn't that wonderful? One of the way is through "Kington" consumption. Nutrients in Kington causes methylation of bad genes and thus the disease won't manifest. The best part is there's no side effect! Remember, nature is the best solution, insya Allah.

Friday 7 December 2012

Kington Soup

Asm. Good news to those who are worried about their children suffering from prolonged fever.Recently my son had high grade fever for 2 weeks. Blood and Stool Culture were negative. He just refused to eat and had diarrhea.I had to start him on IV fluid. Because Kington could be given IV I just gave a try. At the same time I added Kington to his chicken soup. It was tasty! Alhamdulillah he recovered the next day and his diarrhea stopped.

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