Monday 1 July 2013

The Myth Of Alkaline Water

The popular “alkaline ionizing” gizmos, according to scientists, are not only “medically baseless and worthless,” but possibly dangerous. Testing by Japanese researchers showed no harmful effects on test animals for short term exposure to alkaline water. However, extended testing on these same animals resulted in near universal mortality. Three other Japanese studies have been published in peer journals and independently verified showing that alkaline water caused pathological changes in heart cell muscles and increased the risk of heart attack in laboratory animals. These results raise very serious doubts about the safety of drinking “alkaline” water.
In spite of all the warnings, many people want the best health without the sacrifices needed to achieve it effectively and safely. We all love the idea of a quick fix. What better way to correct years of poor nutrition, zero exercise and chronic dehydration than by simply drinking “magical” alkaline water. Hucksters prey on these consumers, selling their useless products which may have severe long-term side effects. According to reputable scientific sources, “ionized water” is nothing more than sales fiction.

Dear Consumers, be careful when it comes to choosing the best water source for consumption. Don't let your sound judgment being clouded by those false entertainment. Through my experience, I've seen enough patients getting renal calculi,gall stone, skin eczema and cancer following a few months of consuming alkaline water.In my state TDS (total dissolve solute) range from 70 to 350 PPM. The reading I took from their alkaline water filter are double! No wonder their health deteriorated very fast.Therefore one of the way to stay healthy is to stop taking artificial water.   

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