Friday 23 October 2015

Opiod Detoxification

3 years ago Nur Iwani was a registered nurse working at health clinic. Her health was jeopardized then after 4 months working when she suffered long hours of headache . MRI of the brain showed that she had AV Malformation in the right frontal lobe. It was a nightmare both for her and family. She couldn’t work at all. She would be ushered by her parent to Emergency Room just to get pain relief. Initially it was not as bad. She managed to tolerate the pain only to return after several days. The neurosurgeons had gave up hope for her knowing a little in term of surgical prognosis should she’ll be operated.

2 years later the pain got worse. Repeated MRI revealed that the AVM site had become larger. It was then when she started to visit us up to 3 times a day. With the help of my good friend, Dr Dayang Anita a Paediatric Surgeon in HUKM who made an arrangement for her to meet a skilfull Neurosurgeon in HUKM, Prof Dr Azizi.  He did a brain bypass surgery for her several months ago. The surgery was uneventful. However, post operation she was flooded with lots of narcotics. It was difficult to balance the opiod dosage against the danger of AVM rupture. Soon she became more and more dependent on opiod up to 4 emergency visits a day..

I came to know Food Matters website 3 years ago which I saw during’s facebook campaign. Since then I’ve been a loyal fan of Through I came across this Gerson Therapy. I got so excited about it and would like to give a try for Nur Iwani. Enough of hearing grudges from the doctors and nurses taking care of her all this while. By the way, she’s been reviewed by “Pain Specialist” already.

So I registered myself for The Gerson Basic Course and make some arrangement for Nur Iwani. I knew that most people would have thought that I’m such a silly doctor who came out of the blue with this abnormal ideas claimed to be able to treat Nur Iwani. I could feel my staffs’ fear intensity should this method failed. Well, it’ll look bad for me too since they’ve donated their money to bear the cost.

This is my first detox attempt. I’ve asked my Psychiatric colleague’s advice in putting her into a detox programme, however they too have no experience doing that in our center. They too had contacted another Psychiatrist majoring in detoxification. Even this Detox Specialist could not solve her problem.

I was really scratching my head. It must be really hard to manage a patient with a brain pathology coupled with drug addiction? I don’t care. Mission is to be accomplished, not to be forbidden. No excuses. I’m all in for Nur Iwani. Forget about what other people think. Just keep focusing and move on. If not us in Emergency Department to help her, who else? Other colleague don’t feel the pain and suffering that she’s been going through. We are the one who saw her 3 to 4 times per day. We could feel her agony.

After a week of careful planning with my staffs, I finally started this detox programme on Monday 19th October 2015. I’m aware that my action is against my modern medicine practice. If anything bad happens I’m to be blamed. Even the patient and her parents could proceed to legal action against me. Therefore prior to starting the programme, I explained in details to her and her father. Both of them agreed to proceed.

She came to our department early in the morning, as usual in severe pain. She was given a total of 200µg of IV Fentanyl, followed by 100mg of IV Pethidine. We placed her in our special suite (OSCC Room) where she’s been monitored by our dedicated nurses. The first step was to do coffee enema, followed by hourly fruit and vegetable juices. She tolerated the enema and juices very well. I've also supplemented her with 5 spirulina tablets 3 times a days, AOII 15 drops 3 times a day, Ester C 1 tablet twice a day and EPA DHA 1 to 3 soft gels a day.

She had another headache at 12.30pm. I tried to avoid giving opiod to her. I did some massaging and asked her to take a warm bath. However the pain didn’t go away. It was hard to get a new IV line for her then. In fact she was already referred to an Anesthesiologist for “chemo port” insertion. I couldn't stand seeing her pain and therefore I asked my nurse to give 5mg of subcutaneous morphine. Guest what? The pain disappeared. Previously she would require at least 10mg of Morphine plus additional opiod, either Tramal or Fentanyl.

By 6.30pm she had another headache. This time my EP colleague and I decided that we’re not going to give opiod anymore. I asked her to take a bath again, followed by a prayer. Then I massaged her head using a guasa board. After a few minutes the pain was gone. That was wonderful!

She requested to sleep at home instead. I drove her home. She jovially talked to me about her working condition in her clinic previously and several other topics along the journey. And for the first time I could see her smile.

That night, my EP colleague, myself and her parents couldn’t sleep, feared of what the outcome’s going to be.

The next morning I saw her father at our car park’s area, smiling happily. He said she was able to sleep that night. It was he himself who couldn’t sleep thinking of the possibility that she would call him up as usual to get to the hospital again for analgesia. Everyone was happy for this time she came to our department smiling instead of crying.

The second day, 20th October we started her on Coffee Enema again. I could do only once this time (twice the day before). Gerson Therapy required up to 5 times a day to get better result. Now Iwani did all the juicing herself. She appeared happy and entertaining. I was much relieved. She asked to be excused earlier. By 4.30pm she went home. So Day2 she was free from analgesia.

The third day I taught her to do coffee enema herself. It was easy for her being a nurse herself. Again she prepared the juices herself. The best part is she excused herself much earlier, by 12.30pm. Therefore we decided for her to continue the programme at home as long as she could stand.

Nur Iwani with my staffs and I

Its already 24th of October. 5 days had elapsed and she has been free from opiod. Alhamdulillah…..I do hope her AVM is getting smaller. The Gerson Therapy works both ways, detoxification as well as curing illness. It’s still early to determine her fate. However my staffs and I are now happy to see her smiling again. It is not us who healed the patient. It is the GOD, the most powerful healer. Therefore evidence based or not its up to you to decide. Allah told us to keep looking for cure regardless whether it is with or without evidence. Have a good faith in God and He'll help us. Wallahua'lam.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Go natural

It's been more than a year since my last post. I've been doing more community work lately.

I thank God for giving me the right direction to guide others to take charge of own health. Everyone who understand the ortho molecular concept post by Prof Dr Linus Pauling knew the fact. It's just when people get caught in glamorous world they cannot even feel the truth behind it.I don't mean to criticize my fellow medical colleague.

The way to know whether you are on the right track is to evaluate your feelings. If the things that you've been doing don't make you happy and satisfied, there must be something wrong with it. I find this to be true through my clinical experience handling with patients. Yes, textbook description don't match the patient sometimes.Your gut feelings could save someone's life. This is of course nothing to do with research because it is related to  fate. How can u develop a research program to judge God? Its impossible. 

There's no doubt that nutrition is very important for health. Nutrients are the building blocks of our body system. Its an irony that medical professionals tend to emphasize the importance of taking more fruits and vegetables in our diet when on the contrary they are telling the patients not to take supplements (which constitute fruits and vegetables too). Think about it. 

I love all the things in this world because it relates me to God. It made me closer to God. What ever we do in this world has to do with God. Its my responsibility as a medical person to tell the public the truth. After all the real intention is to help them solve their problem, be happy and get back to work.

Watch An Interview with Charlotte Gerson on Gerson Therapy

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